Stories are intensely truthful lies.
We don’t need a rocket to reach for the stars. Just an imagination and five simple steps to glory.
Digital is the centre of now. But it’s certainly not at the cost of the present.
This text originally appeared in Turkish (not that you care): Once upon a time, and a very non-descript time it was, the Sultan of Bosphora was pacing up and down the corridors of his palace (converted later into a museum, and even later into a television studio set).
Giving customers the right reasons to buy.
Copy writing tips from 'The Copy Book' by David Abbott.
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, what about that slippery surface in the business called 'inspiration'?
What does a small business need to succeed in today’s world? What it always did. A big idea – that connects.
On the surface, it appears that the conditioning of the human soul through education and the conditioning of the market through advertising are poles apart. But, surprisingly, when you compare the best of both, you begin to appreciate some revelatory parallels.
It smacks of terrible news. But don’t nail your coffin just yet.
On the surface, the terrain once exclusively belonging to copywriters is steadily being challenged by a new breed of content marketers.
I came across a word the other day that put our dreams into perspective.
Paracosm. It’s like a macrocosm or a microcosm – except it doesn’t really exist. Because it’s a reference for all the imaginary friends some of us made (up) during childhood.
Around 2,500 years ago in ancient Greece, a gang of really cool kids, dressed in the hottest tunics, would go about town and country impressing onlookers with their talent for words. They called themselves Sophists.
In one of her epochal epigrammatic concisions, Coco Chanel summed up her philosophy of luxury branding.
“The opposite of luxury,” she said, “is vulgarity”.
For the benefit of the aspiring adman, I have taken the liberty to translate key passages from The Art of War by Sun Tzu – the ancient Chinese military general whose
I was introduced to Mr Schmooze the other day.